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Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology > Article
Korean J Clin Oncol. 2010;6(2): 31-37.         doi: https://doi.org/10.14216/kjco.10016
The Influence of the Changes in the New UICC/AJCC TNM System(7th edition) in Gastric Cancer
Su Young Lee1, Dong Gue Shin1, Ik Hang Cho2, Kyung Bok Lee1, Seong Ku Kang1, Sang Soo Park1, Jin Yoon1, Byung Ook You1, Il Myung Kim3
1Departments of Surgery, Seoul Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea
2Department of Surgery, Municipal Dongbu Hospital, Seoul, South Korea
3Department of Surgery, Dongnam Institute of Radiological and Medical Sciences, Busan, South Korea
위암의 제7판 UICC/AJCC TNM 병기 분류 개정이 진료에 미치는 영향
이수영1, 신동규1, 조익항2, 이경복1, 강성구1, 박상수1, 윤진1, 유병욱1, 김일명3
1서울의료원 외과
2동부시립병원 외과
3동남권원자력의학원 외과
Corresponding Author: Su Young Lee ,
Received: November 20, 2010;  Accepted: December 23, 2010.
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Purpose : We evaluated the influence of the changes regarding the classification of gastric cancer in the 7th UICC TNM classification compared to 6th UICC TNM classification. Materials and Methods : Between January 1990 and August 2007, 339 patients with gastric cancer who had undergone gastric surgery with D2 and with 15 or more lymph nodes retrieved were studied retrospectively. Results : According to the 7th UICC stage, the 5-year cumulative survival rates of stage IA, IB, IIA, IIB, IIIA, IIIB, IIIC, IV were 92.2%, 91.2%, 85.2%, 82.4%, 49.7%, 36.9%, 24.7%, and 0%, respectively.(P<0.001) In multivariate analysis, age(60 year below and above), 6th TNM stage, 7th TNM stage have survival significance. Significant sectional differences were higher at 6th edition(60%) than 7th edition(28.6%). Conclusion : The 6th UICC classification system has better survival significance compared to 7th edition except stage IV gastric cancer. In the era of 7th edition, it is better to perform peritoneal cytology during advanced gastric cancer surgery to have exact stage.
Keywords: 6th UICC | 7th UICC | Gastric Cancer | Prognosis
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