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Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology > Article
Korean J Clin Oncol. 2010;6(1): 70-78.         doi: https://doi.org/10.14216/kjco.10010
Immunohistochemical Expression of Sentinel lymph nodes in Early breast cancer
Nam Uk Kang1, Se Heon Cho1, Mi Ri Lee1, Dae Cheol Kim2, Su Jin Kim2, Jin Hwa Lee3, Keon Cheol Lee4, Hyuk Chan Kwan5, Hyung Sik Lee6
1Department of Surgery, Dong-A University College of Medicine
2Department of Pathology, Dong-A University College of Medicine
3Department of Radiology, Dong-A University College of Medicine
4Department of Plastic surgery, Dong-A University College of Medicine
5Department of Internal medicine, Dong-A University College of Medicine
6Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Dong-A University College of Medicine
조기 유방암 환자에서 감시 림프절 내 면역조직화학적 발현양상
강남욱1, 조세헌1, 이미리1, 김대철2, 김수진2, 이진화3, 이근철4, 권혁찬5, 이형식6
1동아대학교 의과대학 외과학교실
2동아대학교 의과대학 병리학교실
3동아대학교 의과대학 영상의학과교실
4동아대학교 의과대학 성형외과학교실
5동아대학교 의과대학 내과학교실
6동아대학교 의과대학 치료방사선과학교실
Corresponding Author: Dae Cheol Kim ,Tel: +82-51-240-2878, Fax: +82-51-980-0585, Email: freehand@dau.ac.kr
Received: May 20, 2010;  Accepted: June 23, 2010.
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Purpose : Sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy allows to identify the first lymph node into which a primary tumor drains. In breast cancer, identification of tumor cells in SLNs is one of the strong predictor of disease-free and overall survival for breast cancer patients. Its immunologic nature has been identified or established, and would provide us useful prognostic or predictable information on clinical outcome. Meterial and Methods : We performed immunohistochemical analysis of 149 SLN from 41 early breast cancers (T1/T2 and N0) between 2000 and 2003 at OOO University for 5 years. They had followed to determine immunoprofile alterations of CD4 helper, CD8 cytotoxic T cell and CD1a dendritic cell population whether they can predict distant metastasis or disease-free survival. Classical prognostic factors-tumor size, pathologic diagnosis, histological grade and nuclear grade were compared. Results : Immunohistocheminal expression of SLN appear independent of ER and PR, C-erbB2. Immunoprofile changes and clinical manifestation represent independent processes. Although more patients were alive at the 5- year time point in the group with higher CD4 helper, CD8 cytotoxic T cell and CD1a dendritic cell population, this failed to reach statistical significance at the p= 0.05 level. The larger the tumor size is, the more the expression of CD1a, CD8 in SLN is increased(p-value =0.01/0.03). Conclusion : The expression of CD1 and CD8 correlatated primary tumor size of breast cancer. These finding demomstrate that immune-activity of primary tumor influence tumor-draining lymph node. Analysis for long term follow-up post surgery is required to investigate the association further.
Keywords: Breast neoplasms | Sentinel lymph node | CD1a | CD4 | CD8
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