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Korean Journal of Clinical Oncology > Article
Korean J Clin Oncol. 2008;4(2): 56-61.         doi: https://doi.org/10.14216/kjco.08016
Treatment Strategy for Recurrent Gastric Cancer: Results of Nationwide Survey
Hoon Hur, Byung Joo Song, Sang Seol Jung, Hae Myung Jeon
Department of Surgery, The Catholic University of Korea
위암의 근치적 절제 후 재발한 위암 치료 전략: 전국적 현황조사를 중심으로
허훈, 송병주, 정상설, 전해명
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 외과학교실
Corresponding Author: Hae Myung Jeon ,Tel: +82-2-2258-2873, Fax: +82-2-595-2992, Email: hmjeon@catholic.ac.kr
Received: October 16, 2008;  Accepted: November 8, 2008.
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Purpose: To date, the principles of treatment for patients with recurrent gastric cancer after curative resection have not been suggested, and most centers have managed them according to their experience. Therefore, we investigated current practice of management for recurrence after curative resection for gastric cancer through nationwide survey in Korea which is high incidence area. Materials and
Methods: From July to September 2007, a questionnaire was sent out to 205 members of Korean Gastric Cancer Association (KGCA). A questionnaire was composed of cover letter, general information and main questionnaire about follow-up schedules and contents.
Results: Forty-six percent (96/205) of the members of the KGCA returned the survey. Most common responders described that TS-1 was used for single chemotherapeutic agent for recurrent gastric cancer. Cisplatin combined with oral or intravenous 5-FU was commonly used as complex regimen. In treatment modality according to recurrent sites, the systemic chemotherapy was commonly used for patients with peritoneal or local recurrence. In case of single metastasis in liver, most physicians answered that resection was applied for them, if at all possible.
Conclusion: It seems that clinicians remain variable regarding how to treat the patients with recurrence after curative resection for gastric cancer. Therefore, a multicenter randomized trial is needed to confirm the treatment modality according to recurrent sites, and our results could give an aid to design such study.
Keywords: Stomach cancer | Survey | Recurrence
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