Safety of subtotal or total colectomy with primary anastomosis compared to Hartmann procedure for left-sided colon cancer obstruction or perforation
Eun-Do Kim, Jin-Kwon Lee, Jin-Kyu Cho, Jae-Myung Kim, Ji-Ho Park, Ju-Yeon Kim, Sang-Ho Jeong, Young-Tae Ju, Chi-Young Jeong, Eun-Jung Jung, Young-Joon Lee, Soon-Chan Hong, Seung-Jin Kwag
Korean J Clin Oncol. 2019;15(2):106-111.   Published online 2019 Dec 31     DOI:
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Is it possible to use colon stenting as part of the implementation of the early rehabilitation after surgery concept in the surgical treatment of patients with colon cancer complicated by obstructive intestinal obstruction? Review
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